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Week 9 VantaBlack

Application of Vantablack Project on Vehicles With the advent of microscopes and the discovery of nanoscale elements such as electrons and protons, nanotechnology has become a field of interest in the scientific community. Physicist Richard Feynman of Caltech described nanotechnology as the process to manipulate and control individual atoms and molecules. 1 Though the field of nanotechnology is still in its stage of infancy, nanotechnology has come a long way since its origins and is impacting the world as we know it today. From detecting or fighting cancer, delivering genes inside cells, protecting our skin through its application in sunscreen, and much more, nanotechnology is already heavily involved in our daily lives. 2 With advances in technology as we have never seen before, new applications of nanotechnology is seen everyday. One such application is seen in the substance known as Vantablack (Vertically Aligned NanoTube Arrays). This paper will discuss the possible
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Week 8 Post- Regenerative

For this weeks Nano Tech, I decided to research on self regenerating nano material with the combination of stem cell research for prosthetic purposes. I decided this idea would be interesting as I see many articles and innovation about the single topic listed above, but never the combination to cater to the prosthetic users. Over the past years, many popular media has shun interested in prosthetic robotic limbs. We will see from time to time, a movie/ game character who has a robotic limb that he or she can control through the use of technology. Most likely by connecting the nervous system to a computer system that recognizes the instructions from the brain. But I have been wondering if that is really the route we should aim for. To propose my idea, I must say that as of yet, this idea seems to be far from reach. There is yet many problems to solve to this day in the stem cell and nanotechnology studies. But what if there can, one day, be a prosthetic that does not require th